Located on the McKenzie River near Vida, Oregon, the Discovery Center will offer transformational and educational experiences, films, displays, interactive exhibits and activities, interpretive trails, lectures, forums, workshops and cultural entertainment that focus on three areas:
The Landscape: Volcanism, fire and Hydrology are the central features of a landscape that hosts the largest high elevation aquifer in the world. The aquifer is estimated at 31-cubic miles in volume and is the source of our McKenzie, a river that will not run dry. Volcanic activity over the millennia and back into geologic deep time have created a huge lava sponge that both captures and stores the moisture, rain or snow, and then is released as cold and pristine water into “springs” 7 to 10 years after falling on the lava fields. It is this landscape and hydrology that is the source of the river and the McKenzie Valley. It is truly a remarkable place.
Fish and Ecology: The pristine water of the McKenzie is home to the famous “redside” rainbow trout, bull trout, spring Chinook salmon and native lamprey. The river’s pristine riparian habitat also supports summer steelhead, sensitive amphibian species, river otters, osprey and eagle, and more. It is now one of the last places where species of threatened salmon and trout can be found. These species, along with the unique flora and fauna of the region have been foremost magnets, drawing and shaping human culture for centuries, all within this unique and storied Landscape.
Cultures: In modern times, the river has captivated anglers drawn to the promise of world-class fishing opportunities. The McKenzie River Drift Boat, developed specifically for fishing on its namesake river, is famous among river and fishing enthusiasts, and is now used worldwide as a whitewater fishing platform. Preceding the Euro-American migration into the area, there is evidence that indigenous peoples utilized the area for some 8000 years, long enough ago that these ancient populations experienced first-hand the last eruptions that formed the present-day High Cascades. There is richness to the cultural histories of our predecessors, who are still present today, just as there is richness to our contemporary populations.
Innovation: A Hallmark of Discovery
The Discovery Center will feature content that addresses these three themes, and others through films, augmented reality, interactive and static exhibits to create a lively and immersive guest experience. Our Exhibit Design Team is working closely with the Museum of Science and Industry’s (OMSI) creative team to design, fabricate and install these modules, using present and three new structures on the property. Design elements will enable easy reconfiguration of space, ensuring modular use of floor space. As a result, content can continue to evolve – not just annually, but seasonally – incorporating new information and technology as available. In addition, the digital approach opens up the Discovery Center to a nation-wide collection of educational materials and the potential to provide content to virtual visitors anywhere in the world. New ways of thinking about exhibit design will produce a museum experience like few others.